Thursday, February 26, 2009

Arrived at Qatar

I am writing this post in Doha International Airport. The fact that there is a free wireless internet service here is just awesome. I think that this is the basic installment to every airport since people need connection when they are on the road more than usual.


It took 8 hours fom Thailand to Qatar and we left Thailand on 8 pm and when we arrive at Qatar, it was just 11:45 pm. Man, every time I think about the time zone different, it just make me wonder all the time. I lost 4 hours of my life now, a bit weird, eh?


BTW, there was announcement in Chinese here too, but I still haven’t heard Japanese.


Gotta go soon, bye.

1 comment:

สรวงวรรัศมิ์ รติธนภัทร์ said...

hi,you know? i were email to you .now you 're at quartar? How do you do ? ดีจัง ไปทำอะไรอ่ะคะ ไปเที่ยวเหรอ กลับเมื องไทยเมื่อไรอ่ะคะ
:) suang.